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What can a restraining order do?

If a romantic partner is threatening or harassing you in California, you could protect yourself and your family with a restraining order while you pursue…

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The process of establishing guardianship in California

Although parental guidance is a necessary component of every child’s life, some children end up without parents. Family members, family friends and individuals hoping to…

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Common myths about prenuptial agreements

California residents may assume that they have to be wealthy or famous in order to need a prenuptial agreement. However, prenuptial agreements are an option…

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Finding an alternative to prenuptial agreements

Divorce can lead to a lack of sleep, immense stress and family problems between you and your children. In many cases, this stress is due…

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Avoiding common tax-related divorce mistakes

Going through a divorce could come with an enormous amount of stress. Spouses seeking to dissolve their marriages may want to “just get things over…

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Details that make a sound prenuptial agreement

Even though a couple might not want to think about getting a divorce in California, it’s important to have some type of protection before entering…

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The kids weren’t at fault – they shouldn’t be involved in the dispute

Divorcing couples often struggle to figure out how to adjust after they part ways. Those who share children face increasingly difficult decisions. Successful co-parents eventually…

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When to consider a prenuptial agreement

While it isn’t the most romantic aspect of planning a wedding, today, more and more partners opt to sign prenuptial agreements before they walk down…

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