In the state of California, both parents are typically given the opportunity to have custody of their children. However, the structure of your parenting plan is based on the specific circumstances of your case. For instance, if you have an irregular work schedule, it may be harder to obtain full physical custody of your son or daughter. Of course, it’s impossible to know how a judge will rule until a hearing is held.
It’s important to understand that the judge must adhere to the best interest of the child standard when crafting a custody order. Therefore, it may be a good idea to spend your time collecting evidence to back your assertion that you are the person best suited to be your child’s primary caregiver. This may be done by introducing statements from a child’s teacher, doctor, or therapist. You can also use phone records, copies of social media messages, or other records to show that you have a strong relationship with your kid.
During a child custody hearing, you should not speak unless directed by the judge to do so. Furthermore, you should refrain from using rude, condescending, or otherwise abusive language when you have an opportunity to speak. As a general rule, this may undermine your ability to obtain a favorable outcome in your case.
If you don’t obtain custody of your child, it’s likely that you will receive visitation rights. It’s important to note that a custody order could be modified at a later date, and the judge in your case may outline the steps that you can take to make that happen.
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